The Greek word ecclesia – church, the called out. The early church at Ephesus separated themselves from the EVIL of the world systems. That was God’s ideal of a model church. To unite the church...
The Greek word ecclesia – church, the called out. The early church at Ephesus separated themselves from the EVIL of the world systems. That was God’s ideal of a model church. To unite the church...
The local church consist of people. Yes, there is building we meet in, furnishing that make things nice and appealing. We have music, singing, praise, prayer and the ministry of the Word. All churches have a name out front, inside at service time...
The Local Church was important in the New Testament. Most of the Apostle Paul’s letters were written to Local Churches with Elders and Pastors that preached the same Message as Paul who was the Prophet Messenger to...
While praying this morning, I was wondering, WHY? Why do so many fail to see the DIFFERENCE as if there is none? Why does that which is wrong “spiritually speaking” seem so right, and bigger, and better? It was...
Scripture - Lev 23:23-32
In the seventh month (October) they would celebrate the Feast of Trumpets. It w...
We should be careful what we say. We speak our thoughts, which many times should be left to God. Only you and God can know your thoughts. That should be encouraging, because that means Satan cannot know what...
Some of us enjoy being alone or at the most with a very small group of friends we feel at ease around. While there are others that will always be with "the crowd." And many that do, don't realize that is what...
If you are looking for acceptance, then follow the crowd. However, follow the WORD of God and you will walk alone.
In ministry we all enjoy a good crowd, the bigger the better. It rises the level of intensity in a service and the response to what is being said and done. But is the CROWD really receiving from the LORD, or are...
Do you find more of God in a crowd? Some think so in fact I would say, most people think so. What do the scriptures teach? Matt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way,...